Erweitern Sie Ihr Bitrix24-Intranet durch neue Funktionen und Möglichkeiten.
Installieren Sie die einsatzbereiten Apps vom Marketplace.


Albato lets you connect CRM, analytics, communications and other systems in 5 minutes. To use this application, you must create an account in the Albato service at or be a user of one of Albato partner companies. Albato service is fee-based and offers a choice of 4 tariffs (Basic, Standard, Premium and Business), which differ in the number of allowable transactions. For clients of our partners, JivoSite and Calltouch services, Albato services are provided free of charge.
You can find more details about tariffs using this link

Version 12
Hinzugefügt die Arbeit mit der Scheibe

Version 11
Die Arbeit mit Benutzern, Arbeitsgruppen und Abteilungen wurde hinzugefügt

Version 10
Die Arbeit mit Aufgaben wurde hinzugefügt

Version 9
Added support for business processes

Version 8
Neue Umleitung

Version 7
Die Arbeit mit Listen wurde hinzugefügt

Version 6
Bugs fixed

Version 5
General optimization has been done. Now you can connect integrations with 1C-Bitrix: Site Management. In the integration with the CMS, the following features have been added:

- Exchange orders
- Exchange of goods

Version 4
A new functionality has appeared that allows you to connect chats of external platforms and systems to Bitrix24 Open Channels. Now communication with your clients from different communication channels is available in one Bitrix24 window.

The following features have been added:

  • Connecting chats from external systems to the contact center in Bitrix24
  • Real-time messaging

Version 2
We have improved the functionality of working with telephony and added the ability to work with the "Orders" entity.

The following improvements have been added to telephony:
- now it is possible to make a call from Bitrix24 that initiates the CallBack functionality, as well as to return its recording at the end of the call;
- improved functionality for working with incoming calls. Now, when an incoming call is made, the app allows you to: 1) register the call, 2) register the end of the call, and 3) attach a record to the call.

Also, the app now has the ability to take orders from Bitrix24 from an online store, for the "Save order" event. This event takes into account both the creation and modification of orders within Bitrix24. You can transfer orders to other CRM systems, as well as to Google Sheets.

Version 1
A single service for all integrations

You can contact support using e-mail or in an online chat on the website

Standard installation procedure. You can find full installation guide here: