API-Connector zum Binden vom Bitrix24 CRM mit Drittanwendungen u. Services
No more endless hours spent on creating reports and issuing invoices - now a single app can calculate all the labor costs (time and expenses) for a project.
Data migration has never been so easy! Migrate your data in a few clicks and let the app take care of your data. Few clicks and the migration is complete. Transfer data from Trello to Bitrix24 without extra fuss. Track your migration process.The app shows stages of migration progress. Transfer the archived items.The app will transfer all items, including the archived ones.
Produkte oder Produktgruppen nach Umsatz, Anzahl von Aufträgen, Anzahl von Elementen und nach Rabatt miteinander vergleichen
Arbeitsbelastung von Verantwortlichen und Abteilungen analysieren
Wieviel Zeit die Mitarbeiter benötigen, um die Aufgaben fertigzustellen, und wie schnell sie die Aufgaben annehmen
Analysieren Sie Statistiken zur Ausführungszeit von Aufgaben und überfällige Aufgaben
Bitrix24 Leave Management helps businesses streamline workforce management with easy clock-ins, real-time monitoring, and detailed attendance reports.
A comprehensive solution ensuring proper processing of incoming documents between responsible employees ✓ Document registration ✓ Processing documents ✓ Documents Archive
HR Application for storing, editing, quickly accessing employee data and managing vacations and absences.
Plan business trips, courier deliveries, build routes using Google Map directly in your Bitrix24 or just watch all your clients on the map. Start your free 14-day trial period.
Cloud PBX Zadarma ist die einzige vollständig kostenlose Telefonanlage mit vollständiger Prozessautomatisierung. Die Zadarma-PBX bietet 30 kostenlose Nebenstellen und die Möglichkeit, eine beliebige Anzahl von Telefonnummern zu erwerben.
This application allows users to initiate calls from their CRM to the 3CX client for Windows.
Mithilfe der Integration können Sie sowohl ausgehende Anrufe tätigen, als auch eingehende Anrufe bearbeiten. Direkt in Bitrix24.
Trusted Asterisk/FreePBX integration with Bitrix24, 14 days for free test
This application allows users to initiate calls on Android Phone (use mobile SIM) from Bitrix24.
CallGear + Bitrix24 is a CRM integration, combining end-to-end advertising analytics tool with integrated CallGear communication channels and virtual PBX
The application provides simple and reliable integration of IP-PBX Yeastar S series with any Bitrix24 Cloud or On-Premise version. The application even works with the Bitrix24 free version
Your sales managers do not have to fill in any additional fields to get sales analyzed by the Payment Calendar. All analytics is based on already existing CRM invoice data.
PayU and Bitrix24.CRM integration application for collecting payments and paying invoices easily. Start your free 14-day trial period.
Solution for syncing invoice and customer data between Pabbly and Bitrix24
Provide high-quality and personalized conversation flows to speed up customers resolutions and scale every part of your business.
Nexia Bot, a cutting-edge chatbot, integrates with Bitrix24 and ChatGPT to provide precise, personalized responses to customer inquiries. It seamlessly transitions customers to human advisors for purchases, operates 24/7 across Bitrix24 chat channels, and boosts sales and efficiency.
Voximplant Kit is an omnichannel cloud contact center that combines AI technologies and smart IVR allowing you to flexibly set up scenarios in the editor in minutes without code.
Do you send links to invoices, created in Bitrix24? Now your clients can pay for them using Paytm. Your clients will be able to comfortably transfer payments via the familiar Paytm payment system. Issue invoices in Bitrix24, send links to your clients and they will select the most suitable payment system.
Jetzt können Sie Rechnungen, die in Bitrix24 erstellt wurden, mit Sofort in 10 Minuten bezahlen!
Do you send links to invoices, created in Bitrix24? Now your clients can pay for them using Carte Bancaire. Your clients will be able to comfortably transfer payments via the familiar Carte Bancaire payment system. Issue invoices in Bitrix24, send links to your clients and they will select the most suitable payment system.
Sending SMS via '2 Way SMS - MyHub' is fast and cost-effective. SMS from Bitrix24 to clients by using sim mobile on your android phone.
Actively using SMS? Textlocal now works with SMS directly inside Bitrix24! Textlocal integration allows automating your business by connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM details and CRM Marketing. Now you can create a fully automatic sales funnel using popular Textlocal SMS. Now SMS messages will be automatically sent from Bitrix24 account exactly when needed. Make your employees everyday routine easier!
Actively using SMS? Clicksend now works with SMS directly inside Bitrix24! Clicksend integration allows automating your business by connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM details and CRM Marketing. Now you can create a fully automatic sales funnel using popular Clicksend SMS. Now SMS messages will be automatically sent from Bitrix24 account exactly when needed. Make your employees everyday routine easier!
Bird integration allows for connecting SMS with automation rules, workflows, CRM items and Marketing
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