Bitrix24 Analytics

Bitrix24 Analytics

Bitrix24 Enhanced Reports for CRM and Tasks, SQL export.

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    Neoneuro LLC
Enhanced analytics for Bitrix24 data.

This is a connector for Nemind software.
Download: for Windows; for Mac


Easily customizable reports with an unlimited counts of parameters of any complexity. Calculate employee bonuses based on sales, calls, statuses and custom fields in one click!

Ready-made graphs with detailed tips will help to more deeply assess the situation in your organization, which is necessary for making effective management decisions.

How to use?

In the help of Bitrix24 Analytics you will find examples of performing various analytical operations for Bitrix24:

How to view the deal stages for each responsible or any user fields

How to see the distribution of sums by price categories in each utm-source

How to see the distribution of Lead’s Statuses in the context of Sources

How to see the results of advertising campaigns in the context of lead statuses

How to compare the dynamics of parameters for different periods

How to see a pie chart of Activities and its dynamic in the context of Responsible.

Predefined reports
  • Leads
  • Deals
  • Deals with activities' details
  • Deals: activities by periods and planned
  • Deals with working hours
  • Deal Stages - analysis of the Deals of section
  • Leads
  • Leads: activities by periods and planned
  • Leads Statuses bypassed with worked hours
  • Leads Statuses - analysis of the duration of the state of Leads in the section
  • Leads with working hours and activities
  • Task and Task Comments
  • Activities and task with leads, deals and contacts
  • Activities (calls, meetings, e-mails, etc.)
  • Calls
  • Leads + Deals (end-to-end analytics)
  • Sales + Deals + Products
  • Products of deals
  • Lists
  • SPA - Smart processes with stages,  categories and links to other entities
  • Workflow
Planned: business processes, staff, etc. Write us, if you need something new, maybe your request is already in development.

  • Count
  • Sum
  • Average
  • Share by count and sum
  • Trends for any periods
  • Custom ratios


  • By sources
  • By responsible
  • By utm-parameters (cross-cutting analytics)
  • By towns (regions / states, countries)
  • By any other parameters, including user created ones

Diagrams in one click on hundreds of dependencies!

  • Lines, pie charts, bars
  • Automatic chart captions
  • Hints show additional information: amount, quantity and trends for them
  • Customize the chart in one click: Quantity, Amount, Average, Share by Amount and Amount
  • Automatic and manual selection of periods (day, week, month)

How it works

  • Bitrix24 data is exported to SQLite database
  • The innovative interface "Canban" shows main indicators for all cells immediately after opening.
  • To find out details - just click on what's interesting, for example:
  1. Click on the name of the manager to display a diagram for this manager
  2. Clicking on the "Sources" column to show a chart by Source.
  • Select the necessary comparison periods fr om the drop-down list and the comparison chart will automatically appear, and the hint on the diagram will show the details by the days (weeks / months - everything is adjusted) - the amount, quantity and trends by amount and amount.
  • If there are many indicators in the parameter - for example, sales to 100 cities, the program will automatically select the most important ones (the Pareto principle - ABC analysis ideas), and the less important ones will be “fold” into the "Others" group.
  • Fold or unfold "Others" by drag-n-drop
  • Built-in tutorial allowing to master the basic ideas of working in the program in 10 minutes. If something is not clear: write to us or read the help:)


Conversion of leads into sales (successful transactions) - in percentage or in amount. You can study the dynamics of conversion changes.

Thanks to the support of any parameters, including Sources and UTM, the program becomes a powerful tool of end-to-end analytics, which allows to understand which marketing channels (sources of leads) generate profit, and which of them are unprofitable. You can recognize which campaigns and keywords fr om Google Adwords or Facebook bring you profit and which are stopped in certain lead stages.

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