Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

The application "Frequently Asked Questions" is designed to develop a corporate library of questions and answers. It is a simple and convenient tool for creating a corporate knowledge base.

System functionality:

- Adding questions in an intuitive way;

- Adding answers and comments, materials and documents;

- Likes;

- Highly customizable gamification system, leaderboard rating;

- Assign app moderators;

- Assigning responsible for adding an answer.

The app is free. However, it has restrictions on the number of questions added within one month - 3 questions.

Rates for removing restrictions:

Unlimited, 1 year - 499.00 USD

App user manual

Version 1
The application "Frequently Asked Questions" is designed to develop a corporate library of questions and answers. It is a simple and convenient tool for creating a corporate knowledge base.

1) to install the app, go to the "Apps" section of your Bitrix24.

2) in the search bar, enter "Novus" and select the application you want to install on Your Bitrix24 account (the "View" button).

3) in the window that opens, click "Install" and check the boxes "I have read and agree to the license agreement" and "I have read and agree to the privacy policy"