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[ADIGITRANS] Zalo OA for Bitrix24 Kostenlos

The Zalo OA integration application with Bitrix24 helps your system connect directly and unlimitedly with business Zalo OA accounts. In particular, this application allows seamless integration with CRM, Tasks, websites and automation to automate the entire operating process of the system.

Zalo OA Integration with Bitrix Kostenlos

Zalo OA Integration with Bitrix CRM - Lead Generation

MeetMe Kostenlos

The app for scheduling meetings through a convenient CRM-form synchronized with employee’s calendar in Bitrix24.

InCRM: WhatsApp Kostenlos

Top WhatsApp integration, Top price for your business needs

Tilda Publishing Kostenlos

Tilda is a modular site builder. With Tilda you can create cool websites in a short space of time. Users of Tilda create websites, portfolios, landing pages, presentations and promotional pages for business

Flexbe Kostenlos

Integration with Flexbe website and landing page builder

uCalc — Calculators & Lead Forms Kostenlos

Calculating services' costs, collecting and automatically processing orders

FormDesigner - online web form builder Kostenlos

The application allows you to create leads/contacts/transactions in Bitrix24 CRM received via web forms on your site. Forms are created in the visual form editor FormDesigner.pro directly in the Bitrix24 interface. You need to have an account on the FormDesigner.pro website for the application to work.

JotForm Integration Kostenlos

Synchronization of JotForm forms with Bitrix24 CRM

stepFORM — Form & Survey Builder Kostenlos

Collect clients’ contact data, carry out marketing surveys and give price estimates of your services with the help of stepFORM

WordPress forms integration Kostenlos

Any forms. Official WordPress modules. Simple. Unlimited

Telegram von Whatcrm Kostenlos

Die Verbindung von Telegram mit Bitrix24 ermöglicht es Ihnen, Telegram in Ihr Bitrix24-Konto zu integrieren, was die Kommunikation mit Kunden und die Übertragung von Dateien direkt über Open Lines erleichtert.

WordPress WooCommerce store integration Kostenlos

Official WooCommerce module. Simple. Unlimited

Google Forms integration Kostenlos

Bitrix24 and Google Forms integration. Filling out the form creates a Lead or Deal. Select a matching field.

Zapier Dashboard Kostenlos

Der Plug-in ergänzt Zapier für CRM App, indem er direkten Zugriff auf Ihr Zapier-Konto ermöglicht

SigParser E-Mail-Signaturerfassung Kostenlos

Erfassen Sie automatisch E-Mail-Signaturen, die Ihr gesamtes Team erhalten hat, und fügen Sie Ihre Bitrix24 Contacts & Leads hinzu oder aktualisieren Sie sie. Kein technisches Wissen erforderlich.

OpenCart integration Kostenlos

Ready-made module for CMS OpenCart. Integration in 5 minutes. No limits.


Add and update data of your clients in the company database and LEAD in your CRM. Check the client's status in the GUS database and the European VIES database. Share the application with colleagues without a Bitrix24 account so they can enter new leads into the CRM.

Shopify integration Kostenlos

Full integration of Bitrix24 and Shopify shop

Website integration Kostenlos

Ready-made modules for CMS. Single API. Integration in 5 minutes. No limits.

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